Maximize Your Revenue with Mobile Traffic

Various Traffic Sources   Best ROI

Drive Greatest Revenue For Your Traffic

Maintaining Quality User Experience

Branding Your Product with
One-stop Packages

Planning   Online PR   Media Coverage   KOL
Public opinion Guidance


API Integration

Media buyer



API integration for your strategic programmatic ad Sales.

Significantly higher fill rates and eCPM delivered by proprietary algorithms.

Online dashboard allows you to view and analyze the performance of your ads in real-time.

Top offers with top Revenue.


Why MagnetMedia?

MagnetMedia leverages targeting expertise and business intelligence tools to serve the most relevant ads to the right users at the right time. Serving you the quality promising traffic, we maximizes conversion together with engagement and promising revenue.



Export Your Games, Apps & Products

Take games as example, we solve the problem of "game supply exceeds demand" in China Game Market, to help China game developer companies publish games and find good partners for them.

We continuously and consistently provide products & Services to overseas publishers with engaging and innovative contents.



3rd party tracking


Who are we

We are a digital media start-up founded in 2020. We focus on Mobile advertising and one-stop packages marketing solution that connects online media and drive revenue to advertisers.
Our core business triads are: One-stop Packages for games, Apps & Electronic business, Facebook advertise agency, Advertising platform.We aim to construct an ecosystem that provides traceable data for marketers.
We create value to enterprise by providing better cost efficient and effective advertising services that the traffic really values and brand values.

Add: Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]